Monday, April 27, 2020

Ginger, nutrition fact, Health Benefits,

Ginger, nutrition fact, Health Benefits,
Ginger Plant

11 thing you're probably don't know about ginger

About Ginger Plants:

Ginger is not a root, but a Rhizome.
Ginger is an underground plant stem, and it can produce roots, and shoot systems of a new plant. 

 Ginger is a part of the Zingiberaceae family.

 It also includes turmeric and cardamom.

 A ginger plant can grow up to 4 ft. tall.

They can be cultivated all year round. However, the best time to plant ginger is at the end of winter and early spring.

Ginger aroma comes from the essential oil in its rhizome.

Oil such as gingerol, zingerone, and oleoresin are present ginger.

The top five countries that produce the most ginger in India, China, Nepal, Nigeria, and Thailand.

Ginger Health Benefits, Roots:

This is why it stimulates saliva production in the mouth?

Ginger has a herb has many health benefits.

It is considered universal Ayurveda and is used for inflammation, blood sugar regulation, and gastrointestinal relief.

Ground ginger root has a higher nutritional value than raw ginger root.

Ginger is a crucial ingredient of Korean cuisine as well as of Japanese and Chinese.

Ginger has a very good antiemetic quality.

It's used against and morning sickness.

In the 13th and 14th centuries a pound of ginger equivalent to the cost of sheep.

For Health, The Benefits Of  Eating Ginger Every Day

By taking ginger every single day you can boost your bodies healing capabilities and keep the body healthy.

One of its most common uses is to get rid of acid reflux. it has been proven to be six times more effective than antacid drugs. such as H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors. PPIs

It is used many different recipes either fresh or ground into a fine powder and is known for its strong unique flavor. 

In order to take this every day, I advise drinking ginger tea each morning before foods.

This is also excellent to use in the winter, as the spiciness of the ginger causes the body to heat up slightly. Making you feel nice and warm. 

Ginger, nutrition fact, Health Benefits,

Ginger Nutrition Fact:

Even fit making a habit to keep that nutritionThe fact of ginger Amount Per 100-gram.

Calories -------------------------- 80 total,

The total fat of --------------- 0.8 gram,
Saturated ----------------------- 0.2 gram,
Polyunsaturated fat ------- 0.2 grams,
Mono-unsaturated fat ---- 0.2 grams,
Sodium -------------------------- 13 milligrams,
Potassium --------------------- 415 milligrams,
The total carbohydrate----18 grams,
Dietary fiber -------------------- 2 grams,
Sugar -------------------------------1.7 grams,
Protein ---------------------------- 1.8 grams,
Vitamin C ------------------------ 8 %
Calcium -------------------------- 1 %
Iron --------------------------------- 3 %
Vitamin B2 ----------------------10 %
Magnesium -------------------- 10 % 

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