Sunday, May 10, 2020

Chicken Breast Salad Recipe With Eggs

Chicken Breast Salad Recipe With Eggs
Chicken Breast eggs Salad 

Chicken Breast Salad Recipe With Eggs


        1. Chicken Breast ------------  1/2 kg
        2. Carrots ---------------------- 50  gram 
        3. Eggs -------------------------  1 
        4. Cucumber ------------------- 50  gram
        5. Lemon Juice ---------------- 1  tablespoon 
        6. Black Pepper --------------- 1/2  teaspoon 
        7. Salt -------------------------- 1/2  teaspoon 
        8. Olive Oil ------------------- 1  tablespoon
        9. Lettuce --------------------- 100 gram 

Instruction Of  Method:

  • Chicken breast marinated in salt and black pepper for 15 minutes.
  • Then  Fry golden and sliced to taste.
  • Now, boil chicken eggs and cut eggs into 4 pieces.
  • Then put the minced lettuce, finely chopped cucumber, chopped carrot, in a bowl.
  • Now, add salt, Black pepper, lemon juice.
  • Then mix with salad and put in a plate and eggs.
  • Now, tasty and healthy, ready to eat chicken breast and eggs salad recipe.

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