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Margrita Recipe

Watermelon Skin Vegetable, Recipe

Watermelon Skin Vegetable, Recipe
Watermelon Skin Vegetable

Watermelon Skin Vegetable, Recipe


  1. Watermelon ----------------- 1     Large
  2. Onion ------------------------ 5     Medium size thinly sliced
  3. Fennel Seeds ---------------- 1/2  Teaspoon 
  4. Turmeric --------------------- 1     Teaspoon (Powder)
  5. Red Chili --------------------  1    Teaspoon (Powder)
  6. Dried Raw Mango ---------  4    Slices  (Powdered)
  7. Lemon ----------------------- 2     ( Extract the juice )
  8. Fresh Coriander ------------ 1     Bunch
  9. Oil ---------------------------- 1     Cup
  10. Salt --------------------------- To Taste
  11. Green Chili ----------------- 2 Or ( To Taste )

Method Of Making:

  • First, peel off the thick skin of the watermelon, remove the white pulp, then finely slice the green skin.
  • Finely chop the onion and chop the green coriander.
  • Boil the watermelon peels in a pan full of water, when the peels become tender, drain all the water.
  • Then take a handful of peel and press firmly with the both hands to squeeze the water.
  • Repeat this with the rest of the peels.
  • Now, In a separate pan.
  • Then heat the oil and fry the onions until they are golden brown.
  • Add boiled peels to the onions along with all the spices including mango powder and lemon juice. 
  • gently stir the mixture for a few minutes until it turns golden.
  • It is important to keep stirring at this stage to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the bottom of the pan. 
  • Now, place the pan on a heavy griddle on very low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Now, remove from heat the serve.

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