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Margrita Recipe

Shrimp Tempura, Easy Dinners Recipe

Shrimp Tempura, Easy dinner recipe, Healthy Diet
Shrimp Tempura

Shrimp Tempura, Easy dinner recipe, Healthy Diet


  •  Shrimp ------------------------- 1/2 kg

  • Cooking oil -------------------- for frying

  • French Beans ------------------ 1 cup

  • Onion Large ------------------- 1 (Round Ring Cut)

  • Flour ---------------------------- 1 cup

  • Cornflour ----------------------- 2 tablespoons

  • Pepper Powder ----------------- 1/2 tsp

  • Salt ------------------------------ 1 tsp

  • Egg ------------------------------ 1

  • Soda Water --------------------- 1 cup (Child Bottle)

  • Dried cornflour ---------------- 1/2 cup

Shrimp Tempura,  Method

  • First, wash the onions and cut them into round circles.

  • Wash and dry the French beans.

  • Now, take a large bowl, and add flour, cornflour, ground black pepper, salt, egg, and soda water. Mix well.

  • Then add half a liter of oil to fry in a pan.

  • Put cornflour powder on a large plate, and dip the French beans well. Then dip in flour and cornflour batter, do this twice. And fry

  • then onion well. dip in flour and cornflour batter, do this twice. And fry

  • Now after frying the French beans and chopped onions, place them on a paper towel on a plate.

  • Then shrimp well. Dip in flour and cornflour batter, do this twice. And fry them golden brown.

  • place them on a paper towel on a plate.

Easy dinner recipe, Healthy Diet, And very tasty Shrimp Tempura are ready and now serve in the dish with salad and chili sauce.

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